“Once women find sisterhood, there is nothing stronger” - Zoe Kravitz
Our sisters are bonded through our shared experiences, our values, and the family atmosphere we provide. By joining Delta Phi Nu Canada you gain more than just the sisters in your chapter, but also all of those who came before you and will join in the future from across our organization. The relationships made will last a lifetime. We pride ourselves on being a safe space, and a home away from home for many of our members. We are strong women who lift each other up instead of tearing each other down. The Sisters of Delta Phi Nu will uplift you, motivate you, and push you to become your best self. Upon joining Delta Phi Nu Canada, you will not be alone. We know that there is strength in our bonds with our sisters, and pride ourselves on our loyalty to one another.
Sisterhood Mentorship
An initiated and active member of Delta Phi Nu Canada is able to apply for the opportunity to mentor an incoming member. This opportunity is life changing, as we are able to give service to the little Deltas and help them grow into their place within the sisterhood. Each incoming member of Delta Phi Nu Canada is assigned a Big Sister. The Big Sister will mentor a pledging member in order to teach them the ropes of what it means to be a Delta Phi Nu and support them through this journey. This connection is one of the strongest you will have, and lasts long past the initial pledging period. There is something so magical about the big-little bonds.
Sisterhood Events
Delta Phi Nu focuses strongly on developing the bonds between our Sisters. We believe that growing the love, support and friendships between one another is one of the most important things in our organization. Each Chapter has a dedicated Sisterhood Chairman elected by her peers, who is responsible for organizing sisterhood events each month. A portion of membership fees go towards the booking of these events and materials. Past events have included: archery tag, spa nights, movie nights, karaoke, skate dates, nature walks and hikes, coffee shop outings, thrift trips and photoshoot days, paint nights, candle making, terrarium making, ceramics painting and much more!
At the National level we also have our National Sisterhood Development and Events Director. She is elected by Active Sisters, Alumnae Members and National Council peers, she is responsible for organizing and running sisterhood events between National Council and our Chapters as well as our Alumnae Members. We believe it is important that wether your are a past or present Sister you get to partake in fun events even past graduation and continue to make new and deeper connections with your Sisters!
In the gallery below you will see just some of the events sisters have participated in together! For more photos of our Sisters, please visit our Chapters page HERE, and click through to the individual Chapter Instagram accounts for more!

DeltaCon National Conference
DeltaCon is a yearly conference held by the National Council for all Sisters of Delta Phi Nu past and present! DeltaCon focuses on educating our Members on mental health practices, time management and workplace skills, leadership training, sisterhood bonding and networking, creativity and expression. DeltaCon is an opportunity to make new connections with Sisters in other Chapters and make amazing memories!
Some of the workshop topics we’ve run at DeltaCon include, Mental Wellbeing and Mindfulness, focusing on prioritizing your mental health while being a full time student. Social Media and Marketing in today’s age, focusing on utilizing social media to build your brand and showcase your skills, Goal Setting and Time Management, focusing on using your time wisely and setting realistic goals to ensure you are successful in all aspects of your life. We have had speakers from CMHA (Canadian Mental Health Association), Young Leaders World and NWRC (Native Women’s Resource Centre).
Some sisterhood activities we have run are at DeltaCon include, various team building activities that promote communication and friendly competition, organic face mask and essential oil making led by one of our Sisters, meditation and yoga, paddle swap; exchanging hand made paddles with Sisters in other Chapters to make connections outside your own city, tye-dye night, and a sisterhood photoshoot!
National Council, with the help of Active Members who have applied and been selected for the DeltaCon committee positions, organize DeltaCon. They are in charge of organizing accommodations, travel, food, as well as events and activities. Each year DeltaCon is held in a different city where there is currently an active chapter, DeltaCon happens over our founding weekend in May each year to celebrate another year of sisterhood and our Members!